Taking the First Step

Taking the First Step

Our Lord Jesus extends to us an incomparable offer captured by these words. “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28:29 NLT) This is not an empty promise. We can all experience this incredible peace of mind and new way of life He offers through three simple steps. 



The first step is easiest because Jesus took care of it Himself. He reached all… by giving His life for all mankind He provided a path for each of us to receive eternal life. His invitation of salvation is an initial step toward you. 


The second step is yours. You reach up… by that we simply mean that you accept His invitation and allow Him to be Lord of your life. You can do it right now. It’s that simple. 


The third step is ours. We reach out… by that we simply mean we want to connect with you and help you on your faith journey.


If you are seeking a place to worship, we will provide you with a warm atmosphere where you can experience God’s love and learn God’s Word. Practically, we will connect you with spiritual resources through classes, meetings or one-on-one support. We will also provide or connect you with material resources that are necessary for daily living. We’d like to share this spiritual journey by encouraging one another to look up to Jesus and live.