Senior Pastors, Gary and Audrey Thomas

Pastors Gary and Audrey Thomas are committed to an unrelenting goal of developing generations of Christ-like leaders. It can be said that it takes one to grow one, and in their case the two form a powerful union. Distinguished by their passion for God’s Word, sacrificial giving and love for God’s people, they touch hearts and change lives.  In 1981, Gary and Audrey Thomas shared a life changing experience. They were both saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit. They soon became members of Evangelistic Crusaders Church of God in Christ. It was there, they were called to ministry in 1985 and served for eight years under the leadership of late Pastor George Liggins. Even before becoming licensed in ministry, the couple was active in the field of evangelism. They preached the Gospel and shared their testimony whenever and wherever God sent them. Within the church, they participated in numerous ministries. Outside of the church, they counseled substance abusers, mentored troubled teens and led prison outreach programs. In 1993, Gary and Audrey Thomas were called to pastoral ministry and in 19994 they founded Look Up and Live Full Gospel Church. Professionally, Gary Thomas served as a stationary engineer and supervisor spending the last 36 years of his career employed by the Veteran’s Administration. Gary Thomas served his country as a distinguished member of the United States Air Force and obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Chicago State University in Mechanical Technology. Professionally, Audrey Thomas spent three decades serving in the social services field as a counselor, care supervisor and clinical supervisor. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services from National Louis University and a Master of Arts in Human Services and Administration from Spertus College. Gary and Audrey each transitioned from their respective employers to focus on full-time ministry. For nearly three decades, they have faithfully served as pastors and community leaders. They have been married for over 40 years, are the proud parents of four adult children and have six grandchildren.

What Makes Us Who We Are.....