Our Vision | Mission | Goals
Our Vision
Our Vision
At Look Up and Live Full Gospel Ministries, we develop and equip Christ-like leaders to go forth in the ministry of reconciliation. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we expand outreach ministries into our surrounding communities. Our teaching and practical applications emphasize kingdom principles that promote growth naturally and spiritually.
Our Mission
- To preach the simple and entire gospel of Jesus Christ concerning the kingdom of God stressing the importance of virtuous moral conduct.
- To encourage and admonish each other to mutual edification that we may all be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.
- To serve the needs of our surrounding communities, family and friends for the establishment of the kingdom of God in the earth.
- To lend our individual and organized aid and support for the betterment of mankind.
Our Goals
- Develop generations of Christ-like leaders.
- Teach kingdom principles throughout the community.
- Establish a worship and community center that will serve our community.
- Maintain an external focus and avoid becoming an insular local body.
- Restore members of the recovery community to God’s Church.
- Create an environment of social and economic empowerment.
- Be a 100 percent tithing local body.