Our Connection
We Love Serving One Another...
At Look Up and Live we understand that service in our ministry and the broader community is one of the calls of the believer. Therefore we offer you the opportunity to joyfully serve according to your ministry gifts in one of the following areas:
The Evangelism ministry champions our primary aim of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. The evangelism team plans and executes activities directed at serving the local community. Through identifying and meeting the needs of the community, the team creates opportunities to share the Kingdom message. Through community service, community involvement and special events, the team leads the overall body in being witnesses.
The hospitality ministry serves the local body and the Body of Christ at large by creating an atmosphere of fellowship and edification. The ministry responsibilities include, but not limited to the following: welcoming new members; special recognition of members; recognition of special days such as birthdays and anniversaries; assistance in planning and executing special events; special arrangements for guests of the ministry; other special duties as directed by the Pastors.
Family Focus
The family focus ministry serve the members of the local body as well as the greater community by providing instruction, counseling and programs for developing Christ-centered families. The ministry includes a marriage and singles component. However, the focus of the ministry is to develop God-fearing families to serve as the foundation for our local body and community.
Leading Men/Leading Women
The “Leading Men” and “Leading Women” ministries serve the local community by providing instruction and activities for men and women respectively. The ministries provide regular opportunities for fellowship among Christ-minded individuals. The ministries meet consistently and enjoy instruction and dialogue regarding key life issues as they pertain to men and women respectively. The ministries serve as open fellowship groups attracting participants from throughout the broader community.
Stewardship Ministry
The stewardship and finance ministry serves the members of the local body as well as the greater community by developing sound stewards. The stewardship ministry prudently manages corporate and personal resources and positively contribute to the building of God’s Kingdom. The ministry serves the local fellowship and broader community.